Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Back from a long day at work. was not really feeling well, think i caught a cold or something. went for a movie, Horsemen, with my brother. tired....

was going through the news today when i came across an article in the forum tat i found it appalling. i think these days, as i tend to be comsumed in my own thoughts, i came to learn more about the intrinsic and extrinsic behaviours of human and its so intriguing.

as i read through, a management theory came into my mind, Macdonaldization by Ritzer. cutting the story short, the irrationalities of rationality in human behaviour is something that we find it interesting yet hard to comprehend. sometimes one will wonder why individuals react in such interesting manners although it can be of antonymic sensitivites. the matter of fact is, we love to traverse into the prohibited. we wonder why; and so many questions and yet how often do we find the answers we want?

like how we were created, it is believed that we'll take a lifetime to understand such irrationalities and human itself. experts show new findings and changes years after years about the human. on a personal note, i only believe that such irrationalities are here to remain and probably in our entire lifetime, we can never fully understand the human matrix. its irony exists for a reason... maybe life is simply a burlesque

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