Friday, June 4, 2010

Accountability & Submission

had a fruitful bible-study couple of days back and visitation yesterday. this couple of weeks has been a time of rebuilding and edification as i was thinking about the cell past few weeks. coincidentally, i was sharing somethings about the above-titled matter and thus decided to talk about it since nothing in life is of coincidence...

What if one day, you come to a point whereby you and your leader is at loggerheads, in total disagreement, the relationship has soured and worst, there's enmity, the basis of respect and tolerance is no longer there? - make things easier, i offer you 4 options to choose from:
a) Leave the cell group, why
b) Change cell group, why
c) Backslide/Freelance, why
d) Any other options and why

from my little perspective, i assumed most will pick option 1/2 given that it would save each other any form of embarassments etc faced, additionally, it would be an easier choice to seek a way out then rather having to rub shoulders again. option 3 would be probably the last option unless a big issue comes along or one is totally disappointed and he/she paints the entire congregation in view of the single leader as prima facie.

moving forward, my response would be to pick option 4! what is my answer to this!? :p First and foremost; it is never easy and never was, to take a huge leap to if possible, to understand the other party. it takes one to remove your very pair of shoes, and put yourself in the reverse position. we may not fully understand his/her pov, but it definitely serve as a good "baby steps" out from your part.

Secondly, learn to press in to your leader. Ask, ask, ask! one thing that i learnt whilst working is, you either know or you don't know. there's no in betweens! likewise, if unsure, ask! there was once i felt so wronged about something, i was eager to get antagonized for sure, but someone once told me "it is because you never invest your time to build the friendship/relationship and thus there's already a breakdown in communication which is probably the cause of everything." immediately, it was like my mind had a paradigm shift and i realized how foolish i was to feel angry and bitter for nothing. the world doesn't revolve on a single person, yet it continues revolve regardless of our movements. our world is shaped by the relationships we forge.

lastly, the most important factor, anointing flows top-down. So often, we missed out on this important truth. if we're gonna get disconnected with our leader(s), the anointing, the blessings stops flowing, which it is liken to slitting your own wrist. the hard truth is, if you cant submit to one, what makes you think you can submit to another and ultimately to god? most argue against that they have no qualms submitting to god whatsoever but in reality, the life lived, tells of otherwise... especially those who have a desire to be leaders in the future, it shows your capacity.

Similar in the marketplace, managers are appointed over us as leaders. the very same concept is in play here. if one desires to be a manager, climb the corporate leader, the more you needa know the importance to submit even if you disagree. if today, you are a manager yourself, would you recommend someone to be promoted thats not in unison with you? yes, my productivity shows.. but even if there's no rapport between the manager and yourself, someone that's slightly below par compared but has a good relationship/rapport will get the promotion ahead of you. Even management theories show as one progresses the corporate leader, the time allocation moves more towards networking.

in conclusion, at the same time, as leaders, we need to consistently be reminded that the very reason we come of position is so that we can serve others better, more. never never forget the very humble beginnings that you came from. it is that we may decrease and He increase. to give than to receive. to love more because we know we can. we're not superior beings jus because we're promoted but because someone saw something in us that we can be an example. More is expected of us, with more given to us, more is expected. Leaders are examples, are role models, are look upon, are respected, the words spoken carries even greater weights; and so there's a standard we constantly need to adhere so that we don't become inflated or deluded. others start to pay attention to every little details, scrutinize them as one rises in stature. Dr Bernard:" if you don't think you can live up to a higher level of standard, don't be a leader and stumble others." With promotion comes greater responsibilities, greater maturity, greater consecration and greater humility & service. the type of leader, produces the same kind of fruits, comes BOTH the good and also the negative attributes.

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