Sunday, June 6, 2010

Asia Conference Day 1 - Session 2

Pst Phil - Pray

most christians miss out their walk with god due to a poor/weak prayer life. Prayer is like breathing. when one stops praying, he/she cuts off his/her life-supply or connection with god. pray is esteeming god more than anything and seeking Him. when we go through good times, bad times, pray. James 5:13 reminds us that," anyone that's suffering, let him pray..."

Dr yonggi cho reiterated again and again that his church is built on a life of prayer. a christian without prayer is a powerless christian. It is the key to revival, success, personal victory. it has gotta be as natural as breathing. Faith is the persistence crying unto god.

Therefore go into the presence of god, keep speaking, and speak the positives. Which is why, our words have the power of life and death. The first thing in the bible is not communication, but rather Creation - our words create our world. sometimes when we're in pain coz god wants us to turn our face to Him; in a face-to-face manner.

1 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake. - Psa 23:1-3

those that have been my faithful followers on my blog and/or my good friends that know me well will know the power of pray. it works time and again. Have faith, pray, mix it with your works and overtime, you'll see results. so often, i get questions like "how do you do it? how do you be so focused? etc" my answer, trust and pray. our life's walk is filled with so much uncertainty and mysteries like the economic cycle, full of ups and downs. you know that today, the ups is not gonna last because soon, there'll be bound to be a time that you "free-fall". coping with both ends aren't easy because life's aren't all rosy. and yet, i know, keeping my life in check, helps me to find focus, and this translates to greater productivity, resulting in stability and thus security.

remember that you can either overcome or be overcome. all our lifes move in a pattern of the 4 seasonal change-Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring. learn to ebb & flow. movement may not be progress, thats why we can be moving in circles. if today, you're in a bad situation (winter), learn to hibernate, move back to a place where its just you and god. Both of you form the majority. return to your first works, remember the time when you first met Him, the time you first experienced Him, the time He blessed you. If you're in a good good situation (any of the 3 seasons), always remember to be humble, don't allow yourself to the better of anything. shout His praises, be thankful, spread the joy, never be lax just because everything is going well-complacency goes before a downfall; remember to let Him lord/govern your life. this could be a time of preparation for an EBB-time. so that when you're ebbing, you are progressing and faster than any other time when you go through winter seasons.

lastly, i leave you to learn the power of expectation management. a perfectionist myself, this has proved invaluable time and time again even till this very moment. sometimes we put our faith and efforts into something and hopeful that something positive turns out. yet, we stumble and we put the blame on god, on others etc. yet we really needa know how to react when things don't turn out to be what we wanted it to be. of coz, we need to put in effort in everything we do but at the same time, results is not the end but it could be a time of seeding and not harvesting. be patient. Trust and pray.

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